The housing market plays a crucial role in India's economic growth. However, a significant portion of the population faces considerable financial barriers in finding suitable housing. Affordability poses a grave challenge in the Indian housing landscape.
To grasp the dynamics of the housing market, it's crucial to first comprehend the key factors that influence it: land, labor and finance.
Land is an essential component, as it serves as the foundation for housing development, driving demand within the housing market. Labor plays a pivotal role by contributing to the supply side of the housing market. Finance is indispensable for providing the necessary resources and materials to laborers to facilitate the construction of houses.
The rural housing market has an additional factor: land identification. Certain areas, notably Gram Panchayats, assume a pivotal role in the rural housing market. These local self-governance bodies are tasked with the crucial responsibility of identifying suitable public lands for housing and, thereafter developing new rural habitats.
Policymakers must redirect their focus toward these rural regions and explore available housing solutions to bolster the housing market.
Urban areas, by contrast, experience a significant vacancy problem, and one key contributor is rent control. These rent control laws place constraints on landlords, making it harder for them to raise rents or remove tenants. This makes landlords reluctant to rent out their properties, particularly in regions where regulations are widespread.
Another factor behind high urban vacancy rates is the lack of sufficient judicial capacity. In areas with inadequate legal resources or slow legal processes, housing-related matters, including property transactions and disputes, are negatively impacted.
Various policies can be introduced to address challenges in the housing market. These policies encompass a range of measures, including zoning laws, building codes, land use regulations and environmental standards.
Additionally, taxation policies, subsidies and incentives can be leveraged to exert an impact on the affordability of housing for both homebuyers and renters. The impact of these policies could depend on India's current economic conditions, which encompass inflation, unemployment rates and GDP growth.