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Renewable Energy Needs to be Prioritized to Prevent Climate-Related Issues

Updated: Mar 15

We must strive for renewable energy, as the dangers of climate change affect not only America but the whole world. Although 15% of Americans don’t believe climate change is real or see it as a minor issue, the reality is that science has predicted this for the last half-century with many studies showing how the crisis has only gotten worse. 

If nothing is done by 2030, the effects of global warming will be irreversible, leading to countless environmental and economic consequences. Climate experts predict many cities around the world will be sinking and flooding within the next 20 years. They predict New Orleans’ regular floods will worsen due to more frequent tropical storms as a byproduct of changing climates. The Napa Valley in California will also face heat waves, making various wines inhabitable in the valley. California’s general produce will be affected, which will hurt the economy as America relies upwards to 50% of its food supply on California. 

One of the key solutions is renewable energy. Not only does it not emit greenhouse gases but is also more affordable when compared to fossil fuels. An Oxford study debunked a long claim that renewable energy was more expensive, even concluding that it would be cheaper in the long run. In particular, the Oxford study also found that the world could save $12 trillion if we switch to renewable energy by 2050. Economic issues from fatal and damaging severe storms and climate changes will eventually outweigh the profits made in oil. 

As we saw during the COVID-19 pandemic, we must prioritize crisis prevention strategies or face a series of new problems that could cost more than if we had done nothing. Without preventing this incoming crisis, many people will suffer and die from the host of environmental issues that come with this crisis. Vulnerable countries in Africa and the Middle East will be affected severely as they won’t have the infrastructure and economy to deal with such a crisis. These countries will face a lack of water crisis due to rising temperatures, likely leading to violence and severe refugee crises throughout the entire region. So if a renewable energy critic is also opposed to refugees, they should be prepared for the crisis to come in the next decade.  

For those more focused on profit, fossil fuels will eventually run out, as some experts have said it will run out by 2060. While yes, technically it will not run out fully in our lifetime, the industry would have to conduct more unsafe and non-profitable mining to get deeper into Earth. The hassle of a dangerous method is not worth it, especially considering there are many inexpensive renewable options. 

Elon Musk made a great point about renewable energy a couple of years ago, particularly regarding the use of solar power. He explained that the U.S. could be powered entirely by solar power by dedicating 100 square miles of land in Texas, Utah or Nevada. Some critiqued the idea as far-fetched, but it is more about the country’s misutilization of resources. Combating climate change can be profitable, we don’t have to sacrifice profit for human life, as much as some critics would disagree. 

Most criticisms and misinformation about climate change and renewable energy come from corporations that have invested capital in fossil fuels. They campaigned for and passed harmful protections for fossil fuels through decades of lobbying. The sad reality is most Americans don’t agree with these policies and know there are renewable alternatives. And yes, it will be difficult to switch over due to this but like many innovations in history, it takes hard work, creativity and belief for a better future.  


The opinions expressed in this article are those of the individual author.

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